Saturday, July 14, 2018

Mega Man Chronicles - Dev Update #3!

Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I've been working to get the options menu up and running. If nothing else, but to get it out of the way so I can focus on the meat of the game (and still have access to additional settings should it be required without having to rely on the debugger built into CTF).

That being said, two big chunks have been added to the game. One of which being the aforementioned options menu and the second is the last of the 3 main heroes to play as: Bass!

As of this posting, all 3 heroes are ready to go. Each one plays differently, and the best part? You can mix and match which heroes you bring into a stage! (See video below).

The differences in each character is as follows:

Mega Man:
  • Slide - Can slide under low ceilings to reach powerups/items.
  • Mega Buster - Shoots in 2 directions. Chargeable. Can pierce walls. 3 shots at a time.
  • Takes normal damage.

Proto Man:
  • Dash - Cannot slide under low ceilings. Loses momentum when jumping during a dash.
  • Proto Strike - Shoots in 2 directions. Chargeable. Can pierce walls. 2 shots at a time.
  • Proto Shield - When standing or dashing, Proto Man's Shield reflect bullets and other projectiles back to whoever shot them.
  • Takes double damage.

  • Dash - Cannot slide under low ceilings. Keeps momentum when jumping during a dash.
  • Bass Buster - Shoots in 7 directions. Non-Chargeable. Cannot pierce walls. 3 shots at a time.
  • Takes normal damage.
Additional tweaks may be required as development goes along. Words cannot express how excited I am to begin designing the stages around these 3 and seeing what the player can discover with different combinations of characters. ;)