Saturday, August 25, 2018

Mega Man Chronicles - Dev Update #4!

One of Mega Man's defining features when it was first released was the fact that Mega Man himself changed colors depending on what weapon he currently had equipped (Most likely to make it easier to determine which weapon you're using, and very likely a leftover from the "Rainbow Man" moniker during the game's conception).

Anyhoo, this update is all about TEH COLOURZ!!! I am in the process of adding the palettes for all of the main characters into the game as we speak. Experienced Clickteam Fusion users will be wondering, though. Why am I doing it the way I am? (See screenshot)

Quite simple, really. While Clickteam Fusion DOES have a Replace Color option for sprites. There's two major flaws that I'm not very fond of:
  1. The function itself is very RAM taxing. Making the game chug on lower end machines.
  2. The function is COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE when you port your game to other platforms (Particularly when you port to Android.)
My ultimate goal is to keep the engine as free from extra Clickteam Fusion extensions as possible to maximize compatibility should I choose to port the game to other platforms to reach a wider audience. Sure, it's just a fan game project, but I like to weigh options for the future of whatever project I happen to be working on. ^_^

Also, I've been working on the pause menu as well, and I believe that I have the style and function that I want in the game. (Trying to cram everything into a 256x240 image is a bit harder than it looks when you're trying to keep everything organized). This ties into the whole Palette swapping function as well, as switching weapons is usually done within the pause menu itself, and in later games, via a quick swap button. Once this function is complete, I'll start programming weapons themselves. (Well, I kinda sorta already started. As I got bored not being able to shoot when I tested the app. Soooooo... I kinda threw basic Mega Buster functions alongside the Surprise Boxes from Mega Man 3 and Items that pop out of them when shot for funsies.) But hey! Progress is progress, right? :D


  1. Hmm..... The way I'm looking at that screenshot above seems way more tedious + animation/frame heavy than the way I am doing it with my engine. Ever try messing with the RGB Coefficient method? It would require to separate the characters sprite into multiple layers though for the same effect, but it seems much better than Replace Color. But who knows, maybe your method could work too.

    Though I am interested as to how yours will eventually turn out, as we have different methods of achieving the same effect on Mega Man. :)

    1. I chose this method as once all the hard stuff was done with, I could swap into another palette with the simple change of a value. (I believe Rock Man 7 FC does the same thing). I may try out the multi-layered Sprite idea as well.
