Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Hammering Away

Summer is upon us and I have a snippet of an update for everyone. I've been steadily hammering away at the game as much as possible. I tend to stick to one golden rule when working on a project such as this. "Always try to do SOMETHING each day. Regardless how small of a change it is." Aside from missing a day or two here and there, I think I've stuck to this rule fairly well given my hectic home life. Haha.

Anyhoo. Things are going well for the game after being brought from Clickteam Fusion to Godot Game Engine. All three playable characters have their individual movesets decided and implemented. The idea is to allow the player to bring two characters into a stage at a time, ala Mega Man X7/8. And each character will have their own section of the game that only they can traverse. (Example: Mega Man can get under low ceilings, where Proto Man and Bass cannot). This opens up a LOT of opportunities for exploration and extra goodies the player can stumble upon.

As of right now, I'm working on the menu screens, saving and loading data (option data for now. Game saves come much later), and adding the spawn points for the player when they begin, or continue in, a stage. On top of all this is the lovely (#notsolovely) debug menu that I've hastily slapped in to make things smidge easier. In the options menu, you'll be able to set the size of the game window, adjust the sound effect and music volume, adjust the controls, etc. All of which saves to a config file that auto-loads when the app is started. I'll be sure to include as many options as I can so you can customize how you want the game to look and play. After that, I will begin work on some actual stages to trod through, finish the pause menu, and maybe add in the quick-swap that Mega Man 11 introduced. Either way. The game is progressing, slowly but surely. ^_^

I hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th of July. I'll see you next time! Take care!

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